New Employee Fields: Custom Fields Update

August 3, 2022
  • Feature Description: The list of standard employment information is important for all Greenshades clients; however, these fields do not provide any flexibility in the form of custom identification to meet client specific business needs. Many clients require information such as: Company specific IDs, noteworthy dates, operational qualifiers, and more that are very specific to their own operations that would not be useful to other Greenshades clients. To provide these clients a more personalized employee set up experience that can solve this explained pain point, we are introducing Custom Fields. These fields will provide clients the ability to define their own list of identifiers that directly relate to all, or even a subset, of their employees. The fields will serve as way for our clients to define a level of employee identification beyond standard HCM qualifiers.
  • Additional Information: Custom Fields, by nature of them being client specific, are used as identifiers for informational purposes only. These fields are not meant to be controllers or inputs for Greenshades products. Moreover, this feature should not be thought of as a “one size fits all” solution for adding to the data types that Greenshades maintains and supports. The below pieces of information will assist in creating a better definition of what these fields are used for:
  • Common use cases for Custom Fields:
  • Maintaining Unique company IDs
  • Tracking important employee level dates (i.e. tenure)
  • Adding additional contact information (i.e. phone numbers or addresses)
  • Assigning business specific notations for employee achievements, operations, or feats
  • How Custom Fields are managed:
  • Custom Fields are a function of Greenshades Online (GO) and are controlled at the client Administrator level
  • Custom Fields are not controlled by or viewable at the employee level or via Green Employee (GE)
  • The Custom Field’s value assigned against their employees can be managed in bulk or one at a time through the Custom Fields settings or in the employee profile
  • Reporting on Custom Fields:
  • HR or Payroll level Reports will NOT automatically pull in Custom Fields as additional columns
  • Reporting will be expanded on a one-by-one basis, or as requested, to have these new fields as an included set of data points
  • Who will benefit from this feature? Any client, payroll or not, that is looking to expand their employee information with additional dates, IDs, or other piece of information about the EEs employment
  • Who can use this feature? This will be rolled out to early access clients for a short period. The full rollout will be dependent on received feedback or required changes. Upon request, this feature can be turned on for your workspace at any time.

New Custom Fields Page:
Greenshades custom fields page

Setting up a new custom field:
add custom field

Managing Assignments:
export custom fields data

Custom Fields inside the Employee Information section:
custom fields inside employee management screen

Custom Fields Setup / Settings: > Settings Tab > Employee Services > Custom Fields

Custom Fields Individual Employee Management: > Employees Tab > Employment > Information

Enhanced Feature – New Payroll Settings: Expanded Garnishments Options

  • Background: Payroll client’s required additional qualifiers and rules to properly handle Garnishment orders. Up until now the Greenshades solution supported basic functionality but could benefit from additional fields to control the way clients can start, stop, and identify Garnishment orders against their EEs.
  • What’s new? The below fields have been added to expand our Garnishment functionality:
  • Start Date (Required): This date will be used to determine when payrolls will start to include the Garnishment against the EE.
  • End date of Garnishment (Optional): New option to stop the Garnishment after a desired point in time (day).
  • Agency Name (Required): Identifier to track the federal agency who issued the Garnishment.
  • Total Amount (Optional): The summed amount to collect before the Garnishment is stopped. This halt will take priority over end date.
  • Note: The above options have been added to all Garnishment types. The one exception is that Total Amount has not added to Child Support as it is not applicable.

Previously: Bankruptcy Garnishments Setup:
custom fields in garnishments

Now: Bankruptcy Garnishments Setup:
tooltip in garnishments screen

Garnishment Assignments: > Employees > Select an Employee > Payroll Section > Codes > Garnishments Section > Add Garnishment or Edit existing Garnishment

Enhanced Feature – New Garnishments Details and Updated Summary Reports

  • Background: Garnishments maintained very minimal reporting information against them and the options to view their data was limited. The Garnishment withholding themselves could be tracked on a transactional basis, but not at a summary level across all Employees. Importantly, users did not have a summary level of data to show requesting parties the targeted totals and remaining amounts of the Garnishment.
  • What’s new? With the addition of the new Garnishment fields, new and updated reports have been made available for all users. The product now supports a detailed report to show Garnishments at a transactional level (Details Report) and to show them a summary of their current state across all their EEs in the system (“Summary Report”). Lastly, the employee code setup view will show the remaining balance for Garnishments with targeted “Total amounts”.

Garnishments Details Report (UPDATED):
garnishments details report

Garnishments Summary Report (NEW):
updated garnishments report summary
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