Greenshades Online Updates

November 8, 2023

New Feature

Greenshades Online now supports skipping the upload of employee documentation during the I-9 review process for our clients that choose to not use E-verify. If under Settings > I-9, a workspace does not have E-verify set up for employment verification, then the administrator will have the option to make uploading copies of employee documents from List A, B or C optional. This setting is removed and deactivated once an E-verify account is set up.

Enhanced Feature

Green Employee utilizes passwordless login, meaning that employees are able to login to Green Employee without needing an “account”. Prior to the enhanced login, employees were required to utilize a username (email) and password to login. However, as a username is no longer the method of authentication, there is no longer the same concept of accounts. Instead, Green Employee users register themselves in Green Employee, and then can optionally set a password for login.

To match this new login workflow, Greenshades Online now displays password creation status for employees instead of account creation status. Administrators can view if an employee has set up a password, send a reset password link, and disconnect an employee password at any time.


Enhanced Feature

Dynamics Payroll Inspector (DPI) once again supports Social Security number verification (SSNV) through the product. The feature was disabled early in 2023, and has been enabled again. Note, the turn around time for receiving SSNV results is now 24-48 hours.

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