Greenshades Online Payroll New Features

December 28, 2022


Pay Run Wizard: Update to the number of days displayed per Work Period

Background: In situations where the defined Work Weeks for pay runs are set to start and end at midnight, the work period will appear to have an "8th day" in the week since Midnight itself technically occurs on the "8th day”. More specifically, it is the difference between 12:00 AM (8th day) as compared to 11:59 PM (7th day). This has understandably caused some confusion and set the incorrect expectation that payrolls were being calculated against an 8-day work week –they were not.

What’s new? The Pay Run Wizard will now display the last day for a work period as 1ms less than the technical end of the Work Period range, thus leaving the end time, from the earlier example at 11:59.99PM. This change will visually reveal a 7-day work period instead of the prior “8-day” work periods.

The following two areas have received this update:

  • Pay Run Wizard Hour & Earning Step - Work Period field
  • Pay Run Wizard – “Add Manually” action


Old Work Period day range Display:

New Work Period day range Display:


Pay Run Wizard (Work Period): > Payroll Tab > Hours & Earnings > Work Period

Pay Run Wizard: Update to number of days displayed per Work Period

Background: The available set of Work Periods is defined by (and limited to) the Pay Period Start / End dates. In situations where an employee works a shift that starts on one pay period and ends in the next, there would be no way to send in the hours via Greenshades Timesheets, the Hours & Earnings imports, or manual selection on the Hours &Earnings UI since the next work period (outside of the current pay period)would not be available.

Example: For a weekly payroll, an employee clocked in at 10 PM on 12/22 (Work Week 1 + Pay Period 1) and clocked out at 5 AM - 12/23 (Work Week 2 + Pay Period 2). The hours from 12 AM – 5 AM would not have been captured on the first payroll (Work Week 1 + Pay Period 1) since they are technically allocated in the next work week.

What’s new? In all situations where the end date of the last Work Period is within 12 hours of the end date of the Pay Period, the Hours and Earnings Step will allow the use of one additional work period beyond the expected Pay Period range. This will enable the use of an additional(extended) work period for Greenshades Timesheets, the Hours & Earnings imports, and manual selection on the Hours & Earnings grid. The extra work period will…

  • Be italicized to highlight its differentiation from the standard work periods
  • Display an informational message to the user explaining the intended use of this Work Period.

Important Note: This extra selection will not be available in the Hours & Earnings “Add Manually” workflow.

Old Work Period Selections:

New Work Period Selections (additional):


Pay Run Wizard (Additional Work Period option): > Payroll Tab > Hours & Earnings > Work Period > Italicized Work Period selection.

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