Equip Employees for Confident Benefits Selection

Enable employees to personalize their benefits elections by providing the resources they need to make informed decisions based on their specific needs. Employees can easily select and enroll in their desired benefits plans directly via their self-service portal.

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Compare Plans with Ease

Provide employees the ability to compare options side-by-side to determine the plan that is best suited for them.

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Centralize Access to all Documents

Store all plan guides and important documents in one location for easy access.

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Facilitate a Smooth Review Process

Grant managers access to benefits change requests made by employees, streamlining the review and approval process.

How it Works

Allow employees to tailor their program through a straightforward and intuitive benefits election process.

Present Benefit Options
Present Benefit Options

Greenshades supports a wide range of benefit types, offering employees a comprehensive view of their choices.

Grant Power of Choice
Grant Power of Choice

Employees can manage their programs, access relevant documentation, and make changes year-round when eligible.

Complete the Review Process
Complete the Review Process

Administrators can swiftly review customized programs and approve employee changes with ease.

Benefits Guides and Documents

Upload detailed plan guides for employees to access during the enrollment phase. This ensures they have consistent access to crucial documentation all year round, available whenever they require.

Benefits Guides and Documents

Support Informed Decision-Making for Employees

Provide a detailed side-by-side comparison of their plans. Employees can determine the best plan for their needs by comparing information like:

  • Employee Cost
  • Employer Cost
  • Co-pays
  • Deductibles
  • Out-of-pocket maximums
  • And more
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Support Informed Decision-Making for Employees

Painless New Year

Easily offer enrollment plans year over year with little effort. Create new plan years and carry over all defaults from the prior year.

Painless New Year

HR Admin Approval Dashboards

HR administrators have a consolidated view of all employee election modifications. With a quick click, they can approve or deny changes. All options, including 401(k), Medical, Life, Dental, and Company Exclusive, are conveniently housed in one location.

HR Admin Approval Dashboards
Our Customers Say It Best

"Greenshades reduces the time required to accomplish certain tasks and makes the process more efficient and organized. This, in turn, frees up time to dedicate to the process improvements that sustain the company’s growth."

Angelo Tremolada

Corporate Controller, CPA, CGMA SEFA

“Employees are always very quick to respond, and if they are unable to assist, forward to the appropriate person. Always very friendly.”

ARC of Southern Maryland

Help Your Employees Thrive

Help Your Employees Thrive

Request a demo today and see how Greenshades can maximize your success!

Discover Why Our Customers
Love Using Greenshades Benefits Management!

Open Enrollment

Streamline the process of setting up benefits packages.

Life Event Management

Make it easy for employees to report key life events.

ACA Compliance

Keep your company compliant with Affordable Care Act provisions.

Voluntary Benefits

Support your employees with additional voluntary benefits.

Personalized Programs

Equip employees with the tools to choose the best program for them.

See the difference for yourself.

Get a demo