Enhance Your Cost Accounting Process

Unlock the power of detailed labor expense breakdown with Greenshades. By utilizing your project and job data, Greenshades enables you to track labor costs accurately, analyze expenses, and generate comprehensive reports. Seamlessly integrating with your General Ledger or business management system, Greenshades eliminates manual calculations and mitigates associated risks.

Cost Accounting

Cost and Project Accounting with Greenshades

By leveraging Greenshades for cost accounting, businesses can reap significant benefits when it comes to tracking labor costs. Rather than manually calculating employee hours for each job or client, Greenshades streamlines the process, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of expense miscalculations. With Greenshades, businesses can achieve greater accuracy and efficiency in their cost accounting practices, leading to more informed decision-making and improved financial performance.

in-house solution

Detailed Cost Reporting

Analyze labor expenses, track project profitability,  generate reports with Greenshades' labor reporting or leverage your existing GL reports or business management system.


Project Accounting with Custom Fields

Greenshades Payroll supports project accounting with custom fields, allowing clients to break down labor expenses for accurate cost tracking to individual projects.

human resources

Detailed Cost Analysis

Meticulously analyzing various cost components, such as production costs, and labor costs, enables businesses to make data-driven decisions that ultimately contribute to their financial success and strategic growth.


Make Informed Financial Decisions

Gain valuable insights and drive your business forward with Greenshades' cost reporting via custom fields solution. Our comprehensive tools and accurate data enable you to make informed choices that positively impact your financial performance.

  • Access accurate data for cost analysis

  • Identify cost drivers and areas for improvement

  • Make data-driven decisions based on reliable financial information

  • Optimize profitability and drive business growth through data-driven financial strategies

office workers reviewing payroll data

Transform Your Cost Accounting Process

Are you ready to revolutionize your cost accounting practices? Look no further than Greenshades. Our cutting-edge solutions empower businesses to make informed financial decisions, optimize profitability, and drive growth. Fill out the form to learn more about how Greenshades can transform your cost accounting and schedule a personalized demo with our experts.

Discover Why Our Customers
Love Using Greenshades Payroll!

Self-Managed In-House Payroll

Instantly calculate, preview, edit, and run payroll results.

Solutions for Complex Payroll

Automate tax codes, automatically apply pay rules, and more.

Easy Payroll Configuration

Run payroll the way you need, whenever you need to.

ERP and GL Integration

Easily manage data between multiple systems.

Dashboard and Reporting

Build and adjust views to see what's most important.

Cost Accounting

Optimize expenses and make data-driven financial decisions

Our Customers Say It Best

“We like the simplicity of the Greenshades system. It is user friendly. The monthly fees are cost effective for us and the unlimited support was also a bonus through implementation. We never once felt alone; our implementation consultant was there every step.”

Monica Vetere

VP of Accounting and Human Resources
Farmers Union Mutual Insurance

"Greenshades gave us the capability to take our existing processes and automate them."

Jennifer Korbely


"The software works well and when there is a need for support, the Greenshades support staff has been great to work with."

Don Imler

Director of Human Resources
Hoss's Steak and Sea