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How can Greenshades Online help make Time Entry a breeze for you?


January 5, 2016
2 min
How can Greenshades Online help make Time Entry a breeze for you?

Greenshades Online hosts time clock and timesheet functions for employees to clock-in and out as well as track any time worked during a particular pay period. This application automatically adds a time entry to the employee’s current timesheet without any behind-the-scenes work from the Greenshades Online administrators and managers.

Below you can see an example of what the time clock looks like before and after an employee has clocked in for the day, as well as an example timesheet that the time entry would appear on.

The timeclock and timesheets are administered from Greenshadesonline, allowing the administrator to have full control of Time Codes and Pay Groups. While site administrators handle the configuration and settings, the day to day operations and approvals can be handled by the employee’s manager, freeing up administrators’ time to focus on other activities.

See also: Time Tracking Software

Time Codes
Time Code setup is made simple with Greenshades Online. Time Codes are easily configured, with an employee friendly description, and then mapped to the user’s corresponding accounting package pay code. This mapping allows the information to be directly sent to the accounting package, helping to make payroll a breeze.

Pay Groups:

Once the Time Code setup is completed, system administrators are able to create Pay Groups. These groups can be assigned to groups of employees or individual employees, which enable a rules-based system for determining the Time Code and method in which the employees can enter their time.Within Pay Groups, administrators are also able to control other settings, such as notifications for exceeding overtime thresholds.

Time entry methods:

As shown below, Greenshades Online supports many tracking options for employees to use. The Greenshades Online admin simply chooses which methods the employees should have access to.

  • Greenshades Time Clock allows employees to sign in and clock in easily online.
  • Greenshades Kiosk is used on a standalone terminal that allows employees to clock in, without having to access the full employee self-service portal. This is ideal for employees who do not have access to a desktop computer of their own, or often need to clock in from worksites with limited internet connections.
  • Mobile entry from the Greenshades employee mobile app allows employees on the go to clock in. This enables employees to clock in without accessing the full website or a worksite Kiosk.
  • Manual entry directly on the employee timesheet. This is a great option for employees who previously completed paper timecards, or entries via Microsoft Excel. This allows for easy entries before or after the shift has been completed.

Notifications and warnings:

Many clients have found that these notifications and reminders come in handy, not only to their administrators and managers, but their employees gain from these as well.

Greenshades Online can:

  • Email and notify employees to submit their timesheets
  • Email administrators and managers when an employee exceeds an overtime threshold
  • Display a notification on timesheets when there is an overlapping entry
  • Display a notification when a lunch-time is exceeded
  • Notify for a missed lunch after a work shift reaches a pre-determined number of hours

Keep an eye out for the second part of this time entry blog that goes into detail about Timesheets and how Greenshades can assist with making the payroll process easier for your company.

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