The leading workforce payments solution for streamlining and accelerating payments to your workforce. Employers turn to Branch for a cost-effective, faster way to pay workers while eliminating the costs to cut paper checks and issue legacy paycards. Branch partners with Greenshades to help your business make payments to your workforce without changing your existing payroll processes.


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Increase Direct Deposit
Branch is a baked-in solution with Greenshades where employees can sign-up directly from Green Employee in approximately 60 seconds and automatically receive direct deposit via their mobile-first Branch Application or Branch Card. Our fee-free intuitive Branch app makes it easy for employees to use their Branch account like a traditional debit account, transferring funds, paying bills, and making transactions. Plus we incorporated cash back rewards and contactless payment functions with Apple Pay and Google Pay. Branch partners with 55,000 atms and our goal is to make it easier than ever to eliminate the numerous fees, credit checks, and that are associated with traditional banking methods.
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Fast, Flexible Alternative to Pay Cards and Paper Checks

Your entire workforce is supported by Greenshades and Branch. No need to manage the cutting and shipping of paper checks. The days of signing paycard contracts that cost you and your employees to use are behind you. Your employees no longer need to make bank runs to enjoy payday. Better yet, to help your employees make the switch, those who set up Branch for direct deposit get paid 2 days early!


Find out how Greenshades and Branch are better together.