Certified Payroll Reporting Benefits
With an easy-to-use interface powered by Points North, generating certified payroll reports has never been simpler. Our software solution offers online report access and storage, so you can easily generate reports and store information.
Simplify Your Reporting
Points North Certified Payroll Reporting uploads data and creates and delivers weekly reports.
Stay Compliant With Labor Laws
Certified Payroll Reporting helps manage information required for prevailing wage compliance.
Keep Comprehensive Reports
All reports generated remain available in your database forever, enabling you to access historical reports.
A Prevailing Wage Service Created For You
The combination of Greenshades solutions and Points North’s specific focus on prevailing wage reporting ensures that clients can process payroll correctly and then immediately generate all of their required certified reports for compliance purposes every pay period.

One-click report generation
allows you to create all of your certified payroll reports for a pay period instantly, no matter how many active projects you have.
Easily Create ‘No Work’ Reports
If certain projects require no work reports, you can generate them at the same time as your reports for active work jobs.
Create Summary Reports On Demand
Generate summary reports (EEO, Monthly Utilization, etc.) using definable date ranges.
Sign Reports Electronically
Define the content and style of your own electronic signature, then apply it as needed to any report for any project.
How we used to do certified payroll
We used to do our certified payroll manually on an excel sheet - but WOW has Points North simplified our lives 500% by the click of a few things - poof our reports are completed and ready to send to appropriate people. It used to take us one to one and half days to complete and assemble all the docs that need to go with certified payroll - this saves us sooooo much time in office labor, that we can work on other projects
- Leah D, Accounts Payable
We Recommend Points North Certified Payroll Reporting!
We would have to prepare the payroll reports manually. What used to take several hours each week, now it only takes a few minutes. Business performance has increased. Much data entry has been eliminated. This saves us tremendous time and increases our productivity.
- Ken H, CFO
This app is a game-changer!
This app saves hours and hours of manually filling out the weekly forms, and also helps tremendously with accuracy.
- Anonymous
User-friendly software.
User-friendly software. Brings new projects in, where you just add the details. You can print one certified payroll at a time or download all of them into one file. Client support is there to help you and whether you call or email them, they get back to you as though your business means something to them. Every member of the Points North team that I have interacted with, has been helpful and patient.
- Anonymous, Construction Executive
Get Points North with Greenshades Today
Points North + Greenshades: A best-in-breed people tech partnership