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Oregon Form 132 Changes That Affect Your Business

Lauren DeBisschop


Lauren DeBisschop
May 26, 2023
1 min
Oregon Form 132 Changes That Affect Your Business

Form 132 Quarterly Oregon Withholding/Unemployment Return Record Changes for 2023

The Key Takeaway

The Oregon Department of Revenue has released a specifications update that affects businesses in Oregon. Beginning in Q1 2023, businesses are required to report Hours Worked, State Quarterly Paid Leave Total Wages, State Transit Tax, and State Transit Wages on the Quarterly Unemployment/Withholding e-file. Greenshades has made a critical update to our payroll solution to accommodate this change for Oregon-based businesses.  

Are you a business operating in Oregon looking for assistance keeping up with tax rule and regulation changes? Look no further than Greenshades! Our team of dedicated tax experts stay up-to-date with changes across the country and update our solution accordingly for our clients. Get a demo today to learn how we can give you confidence in your payroll!


Oregon's Filing System

Businesses in Oregon were previously using the Oregon Payroll Reporting System (OPRS) and Employer Account Access (EAA) for filing payroll reports. These systems have been replaced by Frances Online since the third quarter filing in 2022. Frances Online is an updated system that enables businesses to file and amend payroll reports, update their contact information, and even view previous submissions via the software. Frances Online accepts various filings, including Paid Leave Oregon contributions, Unemployment Insurance tax, State tax, Withholding Tax, Lane Transit Tax, and more.

Frances Online is named in honor of Frances Perkins, the first woman to serve in a presidential cabinet, as the U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933-1945.

Greenshades Updates for Oregon-Based Businesses

It is essential to have an easy way to track the number of hours worked by employees during a quarter as employers must report this information with this change. Greenshades has made the necessary system updates in our payroll solution to ensure our clients in Oregon can comply with the new regulations for Form 132, Employee Detail Report, efficiently.

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