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3 Reasons Why Pay Transparency Matters for Your Business

Lauren DeBisschop


Lauren DeBisschop
July 11, 2023
3 min
3 Reasons Why Pay Transparency Matters for Your Business

Pay transparency policies matter to the next generation of workers and might be legally required – is your business prepared?

There is growing demand for transparency during the hiring process, especially regarding compensation. That’s why pay transparency is one of the most important considerations for businesses in 2023.

Implementing pay transparency policies can bring numerous benefits to your business. It builds trust between your company and employees or job applicants and promotes fair pay systems. However, the most significant reason you should care about pay transparency is because it matters to your workers.

In this blog, we will explore the multiple reasons, legal, moral, and otherwise, why pay transparency matters to your business.

What is Pay Transparency?

Pay transparency refers to the practice of sharing information about employee compensation, including salary ranges, pay scales, and the factors that contribute to determining individual salaries. It involves promoting openness and fairness in compensation systems, allowing employees to have a clearer understanding of how their pay is determined and how it compares to their peers.  

1. Pay Transparency Matters to the Next Generation of Workers

The makeup of today’s workforce is evolving rapidly, and different generations have different expectations when entering the job market. Baby boomers were content with a consistent salary for their work, but Gen Z is changing the game.  

The changes from generation to generation are evident in each’s feelings toward pay transparency. Research shows that 81% of Gen Z employees prefer full pay transparency, while millennials follow closely at 75%. Gen X is at 47%, whereas only 28% of baby boomers believe that pay should be openly shared information.

In addition, an astonishing 85% of Gen Z individuals state that they are less likely to apply to a job that does not disclose the salary upfront.

The reality is, Gen Z workers seek more than just a paycheck – they want a company that embodies a strong culture, diversity, and fair treatment, which includes transparent pay practices.

Gen Z is expected to make up 27% of the workforce. Are you prepared to recruit the top candidates from this generation?

2. Pay Transparency is Legally Required in Some States

Several states, including CA, CO, and NY, have already implemented salary disclosure requirements for job postings and ads. Many other states are following suit and considering similar policies. While the specifics of these laws may vary from state to state, their ultimate objective is to make pay more accessible and transparent to workers.  

These laws have a direct impact on companies with a physical presence in these states and hire locally, as well as any company advertising remote positions. When a position is labeled as "remote," it implies that candidates from any state can apply. As a result, the job posting must adhere to all relevant pay transparency laws, ensuring compliance across the board.

Currently, eight states have enacted salary range transparency laws. Fifteen additional states are considering legislation.

To learn more about individual state transparency laws, check out the interactive map here.

map of the us showing pay transparency laws

Even if your business is not currently affected by these laws, proactively working on your pay transparency policies now can keep your business ahead of the curve.

3. Pay Transparency Can Increase Productivity

Pay transparency matters because of its many potential benefits to your business’s overall success. Policies can contribute to reducing pay inequities across gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other dimensions, fostering employee trust and satisfaction.

This, in turn, can lead to a more satisfied and engaged workforce, foster increased workplace diversity, and ultimately drive heightened productivity and growth.

Best Practices for Pay Transparency  

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for pay transparency policies, so your business should consider many factors before implementing one at your organization. Some of those factors include the following:

  1. Determine if pay transparency is legally required for your business. If so, be sure to understand the specific obligations outlined by the law.  
  1. Decide on the level of transparency your business wants to implement. Some opt for disclosing a pay band (a scale) rather than a single salary option.  
  1. Consider at which point in the hiring process you want to disclose the salary. While state laws may dictate this, you may still have options to disclose it in the job posting or during the interview process.
  1. Plan how you will communicate the salary information. Will it be posted in the job ad? Will it be included in interview paperwork? Will HR handle the discussion during the interview process?
Remember, pay transparency matters to people, embrace it not just because you have to, but because it genuinely matters to your employees and job applicants.

The Power of Pay Transparency with Greenshades

By embracing pay transparency, you can actively address and reduce pay inequities, foster a culture of trust and loyalty among your employees, and ensure that pay aligns with productivity and results.

If you are seeking assistance with pay transparency in your hiring process, or any other aspect of payroll and HR management, look no further. Contact us today to explore how Greenshades can provide the support and solutions necessary for the success of your business.

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