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Interview with Greenshades Employee, Chris Hadden

Written by Admin | Jul 25, 2022 4:00:00 AM

1. How has Greenshades changed since you started?

Since I started at Greenshades In 2009, it's easier to think about what's not changed versus what has. We had 20 employees when I started, and today, we are at 160. The company has grown significantly; people are remote now, a relatively newer concept for us. We had remote workers before COVID, but most of Greenshades moving to remote was a transition. Technology has evolved a lot; not only the technology we are using but the technology we offer our clients has evolved significantly. My experience when I started is very different from the new employees' experience now; we are continuously trying to focus on and think about how we can create the same kind of experience for new employees. We understand that coming into Greenshades when they don't have that natural advantage that many of us had of starting in the office. On top of that, our products have evolved a lot. Some of the things that we're focused on today as an organization and the products being used by our clients weren't even around in 2009, so the organization's core focus hasn't changed; it just evolved as the products and technology did.

2. What is one technical thing you think every client should know?

Embrace the cloud. I recognize that every company with cloud software might say this, but for me, it's been a personal journey where I avoided it for many years because I didn't understand the cloud and hosted solutions. I had a lot of fear about it because I wasn't as educated, especially in places like personal finance. I wanted everything to be secure and keep things locally because I feared the cloud wasn't safe. Many companies feel this way too. Working at Greenshades has been enlightening; I work with some of the best software engineers. They have exposed me to the cloud and the high level of security required when you're hosting data in a certified environment. When organizations say they want to avoid the cloud, it's essential to inform them that what they are currently during is likely less secure than the cloud. It can be a false sense of security storing data locally. I would recommend embracing the cloud, which comes from someone who admittedly was very skeptical about it for many years – and because I didn't understand it, it was easier to avoid, but we cannot avoid it forever.

3. Tell me a favorite memory of your time at Greenshades or a favorite memory with another team member at Greenshades.

There are a lot of memories I could pull from because my life has changed so much since starting at Greenshades; they've become a part of my family. The memory that sticks out to me the most was my job interview with Greenshades. Greenshades initially hired me in a temporary position, with only a guarantee the role would be here through year-end, and after that, we'll see what happens. In my interview with the hiring manager Molly Van Kampen (current Chief Experience Officer), she told me that she thought I would be here for a long time and would become passionate about payroll. I remember laughing and saying that sounds crazy; how can some be passionate about payroll? I could appreciate payroll but could not imagine being as passionate about payroll as I was about other things in my life at that time. But Molly stuck to it and said that I was going to love the role, the company, be very passionate about the topic, and be with Greenshades for a long time. And here we are, over ten years later, I'm still here, and Molly was 100% right. I love payroll, and I have a passion for it. It was hard to imagine at the time, but now it's happened, and it has had such a significant impact on me.

When I think about the millions of workers throughout the country that rely on getting their paychecks, it’s very impactful. What we do every day isn't life or death, but payroll (and incorrect paychecks) can have such a significant strain on people, and it made it easy for me to get passionate about the subject.

4. Is there anything else you wish to share ahead of the 20anniversary of Greenshades?

One thing that I continue to express is my gratitude for the organization. I'm so thankful to be a part of this fantastic company. My life has changed greatly during my time at Greenshades, and so has the world. Things will always continue to move forward, but the core of Greenshades remains the same. David Rosas (Founder & CEO) still emphasizes people, products, and profits in that order. Focusing on people internally at Greenshades, as well as our customers and their employees who are getting paid through our software, continues to be something we focus on daily. We continue to value people as an organization, and I know Greenshades will have my back just like it has the back of thousands of companies that are working with us throughout the country. That makes me feel confident and excited to work at this organization.

Thank you to Chris Hadden for participating! You can connect with him on LinkedIn.

This is the first interview in our employee interview series, check our blog for future Meet the Greenies posts.

*Responses were edited for clarity and length*