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Dynamics Payroll Inspector: bigger, better, faster

Written by Admin | Nov 23, 2016 5:00:00 AM

Hello, again.  It’s been a while since I have had the time or a reason to write a blog. I hope you all have not forgotten about me.

I’m here today to tell you about the new updates for our Dynamics Payroll Inspector. The Affordable Care Act modules have been rebuilt to make compliance and the user experience better. We took valuable user feedback and put it to work and were a top priority when making our changes.

One of the features that we are happy to announce is the ability to generate custom reports.

Starting with the ACA full-time status widget, you will see that the results look almost unchanged when you first run the tracker. However, if you take a look at your settings, you will see some impressive changes. Have no fear, though, all your settings are just as you left them.

Aggregated Group settings have moved to the top of the page, but don’t worry your previous settings moved with the changes.

Previously, the Payroll Inspector was automatically applying the standard 13-week break-in-service rehire rule and users had the option to alternatively apply the 26-week rule if they qualified as an Educational Institution. In the 2016 tax year, the IRS has clarified that under ACA regulations, ALE members do not have to apply the 13-week rule (outside of the standard rules of parity) and may always consider an employee that has been rehired or continues working beyond the set 13- or 26-weeks, as an ongoing employee for status determination purposes.

In the revised setting, on the first step of the Company Settings wizard, users may choose to disable the rehire rules by unchecking the setting or maintain respecting the 13- or 26-week rules as indicated using the radio button selection. By unchecking the setting, rehires will always be considered as an ongoing employee rather than a new employee on return.

By default, the Payroll Inspector will continue using the 13-week rule or 26-week rule (if previously set), unless the user chooses to manually disable the setting.

Another improvement made changes how the Payroll Inspector handles employees that are automatically considered full-time. In the past, this setting only applied to new hires. Now, this setting will apply to any new and ongoing employees that are included in your selected GP fields.

We have some changes regarding Aggregate ALE group consideration. Companies that are included in an ALE group will need to setup these company-level settings in the company settings wizard for each company included in the ALE group.

We assist with this process by letting the user toggle between ALE group members/companies, from one company’s settings page, to set these needed settings.

Measurement Groups has also changed. The biggest difference is that there are now two steps to this wizard to break-up the employee selection section from the measurement group date inputs. The second step allows the user to see a visual breakdown of the previous, current, and next measurement periods based on these inputs.

Remember when your tracker’s results would come back with no changes needed, but you still could not view the data to see the results? I have good news for you. You can now view the results within the tracker even if there are no changes needed.

This has been just a small sneak peek at some of the changes that are coming for the Dynamics Payroll Inspector.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me and we can get them answers at